Saturday, November 8, 2008

Shows in Virginia

Recently attended my favorite show in beautiful Leesburg, VA at the Oatlands Plantation. It is always beautiful fall colors at this time of year but the weather can be dicey as it was this time. I did my art booth there and it rained and poured rain on Saturday, but on Sunday the sun came out and it was spectacular. Then I was home for a day and off to VA Beach, VA.
I am happy to report that Pipit, Sowagla Sportingfield Tawny Pipit was WD for his first point at the Potomac Hound Show and Koda, Sachem Remarque by Sowagla ,was WB and BOW. Then on Friday, Koda was WB again for two points.

I've included a photo of the show grounds in Leesburg early Sunday morning with the mist lifting.

Here are also two photos of pups Tomas and Raven. I am having a lot of fun with these two sweeties. Aren't they cute???

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